Pro 2 CV Output Explained 28 April 2022 14:48 Updated The Pro 2 is extremely flexible when it comes to Control Voltages, and it can be configured to properly interact with virtually all Eurorack modules.The Pro 2's CV outputs have a range of 0 to 10v. Since the range is 0-10v, Middle C is sent from the CV output at 5v. This allows the CV out to track over a 10 octave range, from 0 to 10v.There is no standard input voltage range for Eurorack modules. Some modules/external synths have a 10v input range, while others have a 5v input range. Using the "DC Offset" parameter in the Modulation Matrix, you can configure the Pro 2 as necessary to work correctly with your specific module.You can also assign the keyboard/sequencer of the Pro 2 to transmit CV data at 1v/octave by assigning "note number" to modulate "CV out (1-4)" with an "Amount" of "127" in the Mod Matrix. For example:If the Pro 2 sends CV at 1v/octave to an oscillator that has a maximum input range of 5v, sending Middle C from the Pro 2 will result in the oscillator playing at its highest frequency.There are a couple ways to correct for this offset. First, you could use an external attenuator. Or, by applying a negative DC offset to the CV output via the Modulation Matrix the Pro 2 can compensate for the voltage difference completely internally. Here's how you would configure the Pro 2 to control an external oscillator which has a 5v input range from the Mod Matrix:Mod Slot 1: Note Number --> 127 --> CV out 1 (This will set the CV output to scale at 1v/octave when a note is played)Mod Slot 2: DC --> -64 --> CV out 1 (The DC offset of -64 will apply a -5v offset to the CV)The external oscillator with a 5v range in our example will now track at the same octave as the Pro 2's internal oscillators. You can adjust the DC offset for other maximum voltages as well.In general: DC offset value of -16 would equal a -1.25v offset to the CV output DC offset value of -32 would equal a -2.5v offset to the CV outputDC offset value of -48 would equal a -3.75v offset to the CV outputAnd so on...You can also make incremental adjustments to the DC offset to fit your specific application. Related articles OB-6 Keyboard Troubleshooting Pro 3 & SE Troubleshooting DSM01 Power Cable Orientation