USB Doesn't Show Up When Connected to a Computer 28 November 2023 23:42 Updated Note: We do not recommend the use of powered USB hubs. Instead, connect the synth directly to your computer. It's possible that your instrument may not show up in your DAW or as a device in your computer when connected via USB. If this happens, here are a few things to consider and check. 1. Try a different, known working USB cable. 2. Connect USB directly from the synth to your computer. 3. Check your computer's device settings to see if the synth shows up as a connected device. For PC users, right-click the windows icon and select device manager. Select Sound, video and game controllers and locate your device. For Mac users, click the Apple icon, then hold the option key and click System Information. Under Hardware, select the type of port that your MIDI device is plugged into (USB). From here, locate and view the status of your MIDI device. 4. If available, test the synth with another computer to see if the issue carries over. If you have an elaborate setup, we always recommend breaking the system down to bare components for troubleshooting e.g., just the synth and the computer directly connected. This eliminates all external influence over the connecting devices. Once connection is established, you can then add individual components one by one to see if the issue presents itself again. 6. Finally, when encountering MIDI issues, we recommend using a MIDI utility to check the MIDI data stream. This will also aid in checking to see if your computer sees the attached USB device or instrument. You can use MIDIOX for PC or MIDI Monitor for Mac. Both of these utilities are free downloads and can be found here, respectively: If you are still experiencing an issue where the instrument, when connected via USB is not detected, send us an email: Related articles A Brief Explanation on Calibration Prophet-6 Module Troubleshooting OB-6 Module Troubleshooting Troubleshooting MIDI Feedback Loops Updating your OS on a Mac